
GraphQL API: Playback

End the current track

In order to move to a new track in your playback queue, you should notify the service that the current track is finished playing. The current field in the response of this mutation contains the next track to be played.

A reason should be given for ending the track.


mutation {
  playback {
    setEnded(deviceUuid: "deviceXYZ", sourceId: "AL:1811731", index: 0, elapsedTime: 200, reason: NORMAL) {
      current {
        ... on TrackItem {
          track {

* Add your OAuth bearer token to the Authorization header

curl '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"operationName":null,"variables":{},"query":"mutation {  playback { setEnded(deviceUuid: \"deviceXYZ\", sourceId: \"AL:1811731\", index: 0, elapsedTime: 200, reason: NORMAL) { status current { ... on TrackItem { track { name } } } }  }}"}'


  "data": {
    "playback": {
      "setEnded": {
        "status": "OK",
        "current": {
          "track": {
            "name": "Dreams"